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Introduction to My Blog: My Fascination with Smoking Women


So, what got me started on creating a blog site the celebrates women who smoke?

Honestly, I find women who smoke in an elegant or alluring way to be SO hot, sexy and seductive. Non-smoking women are also attractive to me, but I find that women who smoke "hook" my attention and are even MORE attractive to me.

You know how these days everyone's all up in arms about smoking being bad for you and all? It's like walking through a minefield, seriously. Some folks just can't resist getting into endless arguments about it. And let's not even start on teens smoking – that's a whole other level of "no-no".

And we have all noticed that the number of ladies puffing away has dropped over time. Supposedly, about 14% of adult women in the US are smokers. But here's the kicker: plenty of gals will tell you straight up, "I don't smoke," but then they're hitting the Mary Jane on the regular, or vaping. So, does smoking weed or vaping NOT count as "smoking" when you're talking to a girl about her habits? It's like the definition of a "smoker" varies, depending on who you ask.

And that 14%? Well, it could be higher or lower, depending on how these ladies define "smoking". There are "social smokers" who rarely light up except in certain situations, and then there are "heavy smokers". Plus, teenage girls in the US are reportedly lighting up less compared to before, but you also hear that the levels of teenage girls smoking is still rising each year, so what IS the exact percentage? That's a moving target depending on which survey you're looking at.

But it is true that you don't see many women smoking out in public these days. With fewer women smoking overall, the ones who DO smoke stand out like a sore thumb in public.

The social norm against smoking has evolved over time due to several factors:

Health Concerns:

You know why everyone's giving smokers the stink eye these days? It's 'cause we're all clued in on how bad it is for your health. Science has been shouting from the rooftops about how smoking messes you up – think lung cancer, heart troubles, breathing issues, you name it. And now that the word's out, society's all about putting the brakes on smoking. Many of us know relatives or friends who have suffered bad health or died due to smoking in some shape or form.

Public Health Campaigns:

Governments and health folks are going all out to incessantly school us on the perils of lighting up. They're slapping scary images on cigarette packs, blasting ads about how smoking wrecks your health, and offering programs to kick the habit. It's all part of the plan to make smoking the uncool thing to do.

Secondhand Smoke Concerns:

You know what else is turning the tide against smoking? The fact that we're always being told how secondhand smoke is just as nasty and dangerous as actually smoking. It's not just about the smoker anymore – it's now also about the folks around them, especially kids and non-smokers who have to breathe in that secondhand smoke.

Regulations and Policies:

You know why fewer people are lighting up these days? Because there are rules everywhere about where you can (or can't) puff away. Workplaces, restaurants, bars – you name it, they've largely made it a no-smoking zone. It's like, smoking's just not the thing to do anymore in most places.

Changing Cultural Attitudes:

You ever notice how the way society looks at smoking has changed? Back in the day, lighting up was all cool and glamorous in movies and stuff. But now, there's this big push to show smoking as "not so hot." There's public shaming and all sorts of pressure tactics going on toward smokers. And you know what? It's working. Smoking's just not seen as cool as it used to be in most crowds.

So, why's smoking taking a hit these days? Well, it's a mix of worrying about our health, all those public health ads, strict rules, and the way we see smoking now. It's like there's this unwritten rule that says smoking's a no-go, and it's all about nudging folks towards healthier choices.

So Here is MY Take on the Subject:

Alright, so let me go "on the record" and just put it out there: I totally get where some people are coming from in their dislike of smoking. But on the flip-side, its undeniable that there are STILL plenty of folks who dig women who smoke, too, you know? Some keep it secret, while others are more open and vocal about their preference. Some just like the vibe, the whole aesthetic of it. Then you've got others who are into it on a whole other level – like, it's their fetish or kink, you know? Everyone's got their own tastes when it comes to this stuff.

Speaking personally, I should point out here that it is not a "fetish" for me per-se, but more of a "pleasant preference" that adds a little "spice" to a woman's overall attractiveness and allure in my mind's eye.


I must admit, when I see women who smoke elegantly they look very alluring and seductive to me...and even (should I say it out loud?) "sexy." The sight of a smoking woman really catches my eye.

For me, there is just something about smoking women that seems SO attractive, graceful and alluring when they smoke (I guess as I grew up I watched too many classic Hollywood movies of pretty and glamorous actresses smoking elegantly and getting the male actor's attention— LOL)...I’ve actually had that hard-wired fascination with smoking women for a long time, ever since I was a little boy.

It never really started out as a romantic or kinky attraction, but the sight of a woman smoking was always aesthetically pretty and elegant to my eyes. In my childhood days growing up in the 1960's, I saw both men and women smoking a lot, but I always associated smoking somehow to be more of a “feminine” activity, and so for me as a little boy, smoking was always “something that pretty women did.”

Here's a case in point:

Back in the mid-1960's, I once had a schoolboy "crush" on my 2nd grade teacher when I was a little kid, when I was about age fascination with her was just innocent, sweet “puppy love”....she was a younger teacher in her 20’s in age and was pretty (she looked a lot like the actress Catherine Zeta-Jones, as she appeared in the movie Chicago as the character Velma Kelly, same face, same bobbed hairstyle)....Anyway, I secretly admired her as she taught in my class....I was starstruck by her. I would sit at my school desk and watch her as she taught the class, my wide eyes all "gaga" looking at's a wonder I remembered anything she taught in class, as I was just so enamored with her and didn't pay much attention to what she was teaching....(LOL)

Then one day, while I was playing with my classmates in the schoolground, I saw her leaving the school building after school was over, and she was walking to her car in the teacher’s parking lot (she had powder blue 1965 Ford Mustang with a convertible top; a car model that I liked, so I always enjoyed watching her from afar, as she would drive off in her “cool” car)...

But this time, I saw that she stopped outside at her car door for a moment, she pulled out a cigarette from her purse and lit it up, and she stood next to her car for a few moments and smoked casually — and I was entranced, just watching her from afar from the school yard! I was some distance away from the parking lot, so she didn’t know that I was watching her from afar. I was surprised to learn that she smoked, and this added another layer to my puppy-love fixation for her.

Seeing her smoke in the parking lot, my 7 year old little boy heart pounded SO HARD in my chest — just from the sight of watching her smoke... the sensation felt very palpable, as if an invisible hand was reaching into my ribcage and yanking hard on my heart! (?? Not sure why I had that physical reaction though??) Seriously, it was almost like the depictions in kids cartoons, with the lovestruck guy's heart jumping out of his chest at the sight of a pretty girl he likes. Somehow, the imagery of her smoking was captivatingly powerful....and seductive, in a romantically aesthetic way. Ever since that day, as I was growing up, I took more of an interest in smoking women, noticing them, and admiring them.

So, it may seem silly, or even strange, but smoking women have always been attractive and sexy to me, for some reason.

For others, their reasons will vary, but nevertheless, it is a powerful attraction.


> Enhances Sex Appeal: The glamour aspect of smoking, it is like adding an extra dash of spice to your sex appeal. The way smoking visually or aesthetically enhances women's femininity, their mood, personal style and sexual appeal. It's not just about the act of smoking itself; it's about how it elevates everything around her – her mood, her aura, even her allure. It's like a visual cue that says, "Yeah, I've got that extra oomph." It cranks up the sex appeal, it's about how it boosts her whole vibe, making her look even more alluring and confident. It's like a visual cue that amps up her sex appeal, adding a touch of mystery and allure.

> Good Girl/Naughty Girl Imagery: Seeing the smoker as a stereotypically sweet, innocent individual behaving in naughty, risqué, “adult” ways which are kind of taboo, which just adds to the allure. May be related to the appeal of the “bad girl” and the fantasy that even a sweet “girl next door” type who smokes may secretly might have this wild side and be a sexual tigress in the bedroom. And with smoking being all forbidden and stuff in today's society, it just amps up that whole "bad girl" vibe and fuels this extra layer of eroticism to it.

> The Aesthetics: When it comes to the visual appeal of smoking, it is not just about puffing away; it's about how you do it, you know? Picture this: French inhaling, snap-inhaling, blowing smoke rings – it's like turning smoking into an art form. There's something seriously captivating about watching a lady stylishly inhale and exhale that smoke. It's like they're adding this whole new layer of coolness to the scene, making smoking look like some kind of elegant performance. And let's be real, it's hard not to be drawn in by that kind of aesthetic.

> Feminine Body Language: Let's talk about the whole feminine vibe when it comes to smoking. It's all about those graceful gestures, poses, and vibes that women bring to the table while they're enjoying smoking. Picture it: the way they hold the cigarette, the elegant poses they strike as thy hold their cigarette, those seductive expressions on their faces – it's like they're adding this whole new level of allure to the mix. You can't help but notice those little touches of femininity that make smoking look like some kind of stylish performance. It's like they're owning it, making it their own, and it's seriously captivating to watch.

> Smoking is Highly Visual: We males are thought to be more sexually sensitive and responsive to visual stimuli. So the sight of a pretty woman smoking "hooks" men visually; it is a visual magnet, especially for us guys. It is said that men are more hard-wired to be extra sensitive to what we see, especially when it comes to anything remotely sexy. So when we catch sight of a beautiful woman with a cigarette, it's like our attention gets snagged, you know? It's like this visual hook that just reels us in, sparking all sorts of thoughts and feelings.

> Suggestive Symbolism: Let's also mention the not-so-subtle symbolism behind smoking, especially for some guys out there. You see, for them, watching a woman enjoying as she inhales from her cigarette isn't just about smoking -- its does deeper, and trigger imaginations of., well, you know, the sexually "oral" is symbolic of fellatio and swallowing semen. It's like some men see see something more suggestive in the act of smoking, like a visual cue that brings to mind the whole idea of oral pleasure and swallowing. It's kind of like their minds make this connection all on their own, and this subtle erotic imagery adds an extra layer to the sexual suggestiveness of the scene.

> Smoking Sexy is like Indulging in a Sinfully Lavish Meal: Think about it like this: Smoking sexy is kinda like sitting down to a big, fancy meal. When you see a woman enjoying her cigarette or vape, it's like she's treating herself to a little bit of sensory indulgence. It is like she's saying, "Hey, I'm all about indulging and enjoying the sensual naughty side of life, if it puts a smile on my face and it makes me feel good."

> Alluring "Rituals": So, here's the deal with smoking – it's got its own set of cool little rituals and moves that catch attention. Imagine this: a woman with an unlit cig dangling daintily from her lips, searching her purse for a lighter. It's all about the vibe, you know? And when you're the one lighting up her smoke? Man, that's something else entirely – it's like this personal intimate moment, especially when your eyes meet. It just takes the whole scene to another level, forging a connection.

> Sensory Aspects of Being Around a Smoker: So, you know when you're smooching with your lady and you catch a hint of that cigarette flavor on her lips? And then there's that lingering smell of smoke in her hair or on her clothes? Yeah, it can kinda add a little "turn-on" to the moment, if you catch my drift. But let's be real, too much of it can be a total buzzkill. Gotta find that balance, you know? Of course many people out there are turned-off by the scent or odor of smoke on a woman, but for others, its an attractive aspect.

> Large-Volume Smoke Exhales from taking Deep Drags: Have you ever seen a gal take a deep drag of her cigarette or vape and just stylishly exhale a massive cloud of of smoke? This is especially common when vaping. It gets my curiosity thinking: “Wow, how is that petite girl able to exhale so much smoke from a single drag?" It's all kinda hot and it is like a mix of being impressed, turned on, and totally intrigued all at the same time. It's like a magic trick or something. But hey, it adds to the intrigue and the lady's allure, right?

> The "Sexy Vibe" that Smoking Women Give: Women who smoke appear sexier because they ARE. Women who smoke give off a more noticeable, sensual “vibe” in general than many non-smokers, and I notice that. The woman can be slutty, or prim and proper, but if she smokes, it gives off that unmistakable vibe. You ever notice how women who smoke just seem to have this extra "oomph" or vibe of sexiness? Like, seriously, there's something about a smoking chick that just amps up the sexy factor, radiating this whole sexy alluring vibe that's hard to ignore. It's like they've got this extra layer of confidence or something, you know? And let's be real, who doesn't dig a bit of that seductive vibe? Whether they're rocking a sultry vibe or keeping it classy, there's just something about them as they are smoking that's undeniably magnetic. And let's be real, that sultry, seductive aura is what "being sexy" is all about --- it's like the epitome of "sexy" right there.

> Sensual Undertones: You ever notice how for girls, just the way they handle a cigarette can be pretty darn sensual? I mean, think about it: the way they hold it in their slender fingers, put it in their mouth and purse their lips softly, their tongue giving the end of the cigarette a little lick, and then that slow, deliberate suck as they take a drag... It's like they're sending out smoke signals that come across loud and clear to any man watching her, if you catch my drift. It's all about those not-so-subtle undertones that just scream sensuality.

> The Prevalence of Vaping: You know how nowadays lots of gals are into vaping and e-cigarettes? I guess it is because the common perception is that vaping is a healthier alternative to smoking tobacco. While vaping lacks the classic visual cues of seeing the tip of a regular cigarette glowing when taking a drag, or flicking ashes as she smokes, nevertheless vaping has its own perks and appeal, like the added aspect of different flavors and the visually impressive exhales of big fluffy clouds of vapor that women like. It's like a whole new vibe, you know? You see more and more vaping by ladies these days, like it is the new cool thing, but it's also become this symbol of feminine sensuality and sexiness. Like, instead of the old-school cigarette, they've got these sleek vapes, and somehow it just adds this whole new level of allure to the whole deal, giving off major feminine sensuality and sex appeal. It's like they're owning their femininity in this modern, edgy way, and it's totally working for them.


You know what? I think that a woman’s “smoking style” just adds a lot to her whole vibe, ya know, her sexy charm and allure. Like, some ladies just smoke in a hurried messy way, all haphazard-like, rushing through it like they got better things to do...and their faces? Ugh, they look bored, annoyed, angry or irritated, like they'd rather be anywhere else but there, not enjoying a single drag. Ain't nothing attractive about that to me, lemme tell ya. If smoking is supposed to be comforting or pleasurable, and so when I see a gal smoking and being all relaxed and easygoing, casually with a pleasant facial expression, that's what really grabs my attention. It's like, dang, that's the kinda vibe that's attractive and kinda seductive.

Alright, lemme show you what I'm talking about when I say I'm into that ladies' smoking style that's sexy, alluring, and seductive. Check out these examples I found on YouTube, they'll give you a good idea of what I'm into.

1. A British Girl named Ava : I like her soft, pleasant facial expression, the casual way she inhales, the way her lips softly pucker when taking a drag on the cigarette, the relaxed way she exhales in an unhurried way, just simply casual and elegant.

Video Sample of Ava:

2. A Smoking Model named Amber : She obviously enjoys smoking, and it shows. She is a queen of the Snap-Inhale. She's my personal favorite to watch.

Video Samples of Amber:

3. A Smoking Model named Sweet Maria : This woman embodies that classic image of a sultry fiery-eyed Latina and the way she looks at the camera as she smokes gives a confident, alluring vibe.

Video Samples of Sweet Maria:

...So anyway, if you check out those YouTube vids, you'll notice some common threads in how these girls enjoy smoking. Man, I gotta say, there's something seriously hot and sexy about the way they smoke. I just can't get enough of it!

So dear reader, there you have it --- This blog site is just my humble way of admiring and giving a big "thumbs-up" to all the awesome ladies out there who love to smoke. I've rounded up a bunch of photos, illustrations, artistic renderings, and AI-generated images showing ladies of various ages and ethnicities smoking cigarettes, hookah, vaping, pipes and cigars, in various settings and evoking various moods.

It's been a blast putting it all together, and I hope you will enjoy the ride. Remember, I'm always adding new stuff, so don't forget to drop by every week for more smoking hot content! Enjoy!


1 comentario

04 dic 2024

So glad I found your blog; your insights into the topic of beautiful women exhaling smoke and vape really hits home for me. My personal preference is for watching vaping women (rather than cigarettes) in that 20-35 age range as that I simply can not disassociate the stench of burning tobacco with the beauty of

elegant smoking; just doesn't work for me. But whatever, right? To each his/her own.

Noticed that some of the images in your other blog articles are AI generated or enhanced, and since I like to create similar images in Photoshop (when I'm bored), I thought I'd attach one her for you to check out.

If you're interested in checking out few more images, say so…

Me gusta
JPEG_SMOKING_CIGARETTE_Guys Admiring a Woman Smoking_001.jpg

About Smoking Seductresses

This blog is a site that is dedicated to the romantic, glamorous and sexy images of women smoking and vaping. Many men have an attraction and fascination with women who smoke in elegant and stylish ways, and such women give off that attractive vibe.And like Moths attracted to the flame, we guys just cannot help being drawn in and enchanted by them.

We men celebrate the women who are confident in their choices and who enjoy their smoking or vaping indulgences as adults, regardless of society’s condemnation of the practice. So, Anti-Smokers, this blog site is NOT for you. ( And please -- spare us your condescending criticisms and comments; this place is OUR little oasis to enjoy, away from all the criticisms and scorn )

For those of you who enjoy images of pretty women smoking and vaping, and that added vibe it gives to their femininity, I hope this site becomes your online hangout. 

And to all you ladies who enjoy smoking and vaping, please know that you are appreciated, desired and admired!

© 2024 by Smoking Seductresses. Powered and secured by Wix

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